Hygiene/Preventative Treatment
Whether you have healthy gums or are in a state of active periodontal disease, routine home maintenance, although very effective, only focuses on areas of the tooth that are above the gum line.
It is only through regular scaling and root planing procedures that remove plaque, tartar and bacterial toxins from those hard to reach areas below the gum line that we are able to keep your gums healthy from top to bottom!
That is why at Chestermere Dental Care we recommend visits twice yearly for maintenance/preventative care, unless your oral health status dictates you require more frequent visits.
What Is Tooth Decay?
Depending on your preventative treatment schedule, some visits may include:
taking x-rays to check bone levels (a good indicator of chronic gum and bone disease)
measuring the depth of periodontal pockets
checking for loose teeth or bleeding gums
removing plaque or tartar above and below the gum line
reviewing your home care techniques and their resulting effectiveness
oral cancer screening and checking the tissues of the head and neck
Regular periodontal and preventative maintenance visits help us break the stronghold of bacteria in your gums and slow or eliminate their destructive effects. As such, removal of tarter and bacteria are crucial to treating gingivitis, controlling periodontal disease and preventing tooth decay. How do we accomplish this?
About Cleaning & Teeth Scaling
We use an ultrasonic scaler
An ultrasonic scaler consists of a wand with a small scaling tip that produces soft ultrasonic vibrations and a gentle flow of water. As the tip moves along the tooth surface, it creates small pulses that break up plaque, tartar and other debris.
The benefits of ultrasonic scaling
Ultrasonic scaling has proven to be very effective in removing large debris below the gum line in a very quick and efficient manner. Because of this, appointment times are shortened and patient comfort is improved. However, to ensure complete care, hand scaling is still always completed afterwards.
Our practice always welcomes new patients – no referral is required!
Call us at (403) 263-8512 to book your new patient consultation with us for Hygiene Preventative Treatment today!